Friday, July 13, 2007

Idea for You

Lyra got her first inoculations this week and it went rather well. She had an oral vaccine and needles in each thigh muscle early in the morning. She cried briefly then went to sleep sporting two Bugs Bunny bandaids. She needed one dose of Infant Tylenol later that afternoon. Infant Tylenol comes in flavors. Babies don’t eat any solid food until 4-6 months. . . and yet they make sweet grape, cherry, and worst: bubblegum flavors of medicine for them.

So here’s today’s Idea for You. As always, please take this idea and make lots of money. We’ve got artificial everything flavor, including breast milk – but the breast milk flavor seems to be reserved for formula. Why not make baby medicine that flavor? Not all of us want to make our babies like candy when they are two months old.




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